Democracy is a lie...and we collaborate with liars’ (part two)


What am I thinking about? Do we collaborate with liars? YES!


Democracy – for the people, the voice of the people. Period. Its etymology is to do with giving the people a place and personal value in society, as well as a voice. Today, we have a system that is run by and for the political classes and not the people.


The Menial Class of the Bristol Projects, are simply there as fodder to feed their appetites.


The State creates a ‘total environment’ and it starts at school, wherein its control is maintained. For some of us, like me and Calvin, it was obvious what was happening.


All of these chants and Hymns to the Nation, the thought-patterning through the whole educational process: examination answers, essays from reading assignments and the extra-curricular books we chose to read at home – from their list of course; it was all a part of them seeking to control not just the present, but our futures too.


I had a pact with Calvin, to choose the most-inane titles, to form an ‘affect of blandness’, for our imagination.


The school day started with a religious assembly. I say religious, but the religion was the State. We pledged our allegiance to this abstract entity and to our rulers who we had never seen; and yet we praised them daily. We decided to lip-sync to the inanity of this religion.


We would start the day with:


“There is no love,

there is only duty.


There is no truth,

there is only the State.


There is no God,

there is only power.”


Then each lesson would start with:


“History is the State.

Freedom is the State.

Duty is the State.”


Each Gnosis Lesson, yes, as the old Religious Education lessons were now called, included two chants:


“They who obey the State

have no need of guilt.


They who watch others

are the eyes of the State.”


And then of course if the Gnosis Lessons included teaching about the relationship between the State and the Church, we would have to chant these words.


“Father State and Mother Church

have given us everything

and so must we be prepared

to give to the same measure.”


These were never said once, but repeated three or four times. Unless of course the Gnosis teacher felt that we had not been very responsive, then we could recite this as a ‘penitential chant’ in the hope of saving our lost souls.


Dad’s case was typical of a Nation-State that feared the ‘intellectual’; those who could articulate their imaginations, or as Uncle Paul put it, “entered their imagination through their hearts”. These were the dangerous ones, for they could spread their ideas in ways the mind-dulled, excremental State bureaucrats, could not.


It was beyond their atrophied brains; so full of bureaucratic shit, that there was no room for creativity, for imagination cannot wade through that monu-mental manure.


Dad was a ‘thought criminal’; Mum was a condemned socio-sexual predator; a paedophile and pariah. The three ‘Ps’ of ignominy.


Their offence was to choose a life for themselves, rather than one dictated to them; but they were of course the generation before ‘thought-patterning’ and the State Security Services rather than being forgiving, decided that this generation would be dealt with most severely. The two options seemed to be displacement (exile) or death.


I went from an Orphanage education to Saint George’s Project, to finish my indoctrination. My parents were from the Professional Classes, but with their loss of status and then life, I found myself in the Menial Class, with no possibility of a University Education. Mind you, that may have been a blessing in disguise, as it would have only fitted me for a deeper alignment with the State’s system of control.


The State doesn’t hold us in high-regard, but in contempt, and that is what it does to all ‘political malcontents’. In other words, those who see a life outside of the State’s power and don’t need it as their lodestar. This Nation-State is just another ideology, following in a long list of attempts to claim themselves as the Ultimate Reality.


Cannibalising Culture for Capitalism. Original artwork by Dan Gardiner. (C) Dan Gardiner. 2021 Used by permission of the artist. Support great art and visit Dan’s website!

Cannibalising Culture for Capitalism. Original artwork by Dan Gardiner. (C) Dan Gardiner. 2021 Used by permission of the artist. Support great art and visit Dan’s website!

A system of control is imposed: of the economy and the producers of wealth, trade and the producers of goods, the workforce for its education and healthcare, the internal markets for creative talent. Every aspect is covered.


It is in the nature of this ideology of State, that tends towards Totalitarianism. They are systems of control and not of freedom. When will we wake up and see that all of this simply increases the cycle of violence from one system to another?


Generally put, the insurrection begins with an injustice and then the search for scapegoats follows. In the past this has been the Jews, the intellectuals, degenerate artists, Bolsheviks, aristocracy, or a particular caste, Fascists or Capitalists, or yes in times past, the British.


And then what happens? Another form of the State is created in the name of violence, or the Revolution, or freedom, but produces another set of victims, from the justifiable violence and oppression.


When will we see through this deceit?


When will we realise that the greatest cause of violence and injustice on this Earth is perpetrated by the Nation-State: war, famine, disease and poverty?


You shall fight in their Wars, when they decide or construe that the cause is just. You shall sacrifice life, limb and family for this great patriotic campaign, with nothing in return save for their platitudes on the ‘glorious war’. But there is no glory in War; there is only pain and blood and death and a bucket-full of fear.


Now is the time to say “NO!”


We will not be silent!


You are poor because they decided you shall be poor, you are sick because they decided that you should not get adequate healthcare, you are treated like chattel because they decided you were disposable. And if the chattel is too disagreeable or vast in number, then they will be processed like Poultry in an abattoir.


In all of this we are complicit, because we go along with the charade of power and their claims to legitimacy, but when we say “NO!”, that is when that legitimacy begins to crumble; when as Uncle Paul says, “we begin to uproot, tear down, destroy and overthrow, so that in the end we can build and plant a new society of mutuality.


We will not be silent!


In the meantime, we will resonate with Ellul’s call to be troublemakers and creators of uncertainty, for the end of the status quo is nigh. We will be agents in a dimension incompatible with the society and the maintainers of the system. That is, this movement will have its inception in the imagination and that imagination will lead to our consciousness.

The we will have awakened…and until which…


We will not be silent!



Geoff Hall

A writer of novels and screenplays. My Novel “0w1:bleieve” follows a group of artists and coders who seek to subvert the authority of an absolutist State.

