We were the cause of our own demise. Sophie Scholl was right: We have gained the Regime we deserved.
Many decades ago, democracy became the domain of the political classes, who lied to their citizens as a way of life and then pleaded for their vote. For there was no truth in them and no democratic truth either.
Then entered a time of post-Christendom, post-institution, post-constitution, post-Bible, post-Quran. Nothing pointed to the future, only the past. Everything was deconstructed, but they had nothing to build with, no seeds to plant for a future society and again the System wins. The Deconstructionists had nothing to offer save for demolition and iconoclastic fervour. The emptiness of their own hearts and minds sealed our future; we have entered the Void.
And today, we the Menial Class, have no vote, for only the Professional Class can participate; but this is no mark or measure of democracy; for the outcome is always the same. The System wins. Their vote is like a receipt for items bought, for truly their lives, their allegiances, have been bought; their collaboration secured in the excremental decline of society and politics.
This Babylonic confusion-delusion was quite simple; run the Country like a business, replace the Prime Minister with a CEO and the Cabinet or Senate with a Board of Directors. Programme the children through ‘thought-patterning’ to think well of ‘our’ leaders of Government, pledge our allegiance, and sing Hymns to the State; about its strength and protection, for ‘vanquishing our enemies’.
These are of course the enemies within, not those international adversaries, who stymie free-trade between the nations of Earth. The subversives and degenerates at home became the number one target for the State Security Services. Some were re-educated and others, like the infamous writers and poets, (my father comes to mind) were disposed of. We now call these ‘Ghosts’, but many in truth, are unknown to us.
‘Unknown Martyrs’ 2020 by Paul Hobbs - Used by Permission of the Artist.
We, the Menial Classes were told to be thankful: to show gratitude to our leaders and to the State for its benevolence. But should you raise your voice to ask a question about this ‘provision’, we should remember that this beauty of the ordered life is dressed up in barbed-wire.
It may appeal to those weak souls who need someone else to give shape and meaning to their lives, but they should remember that in consenting to this, they are but slaves to the State.
Those of us who ask the disrespectful questions, our names would appear on the State Security Services watchlist; for targeted surveillance, through their own Agents or some sad sycophant, seeking favours from their Masters. Human life isn’t worth much these days; maybe social privileges are enough to warrant such quisling behaviour.
Those of us who lived in the Projects had no vote. We were of the wrong class, of a limited education – limited by the State, of course – to be denied involvement in their cherished democracy; they would consider it devalued by our participation. I have no desire nor understanding of those Professional Classes and their contribution to maintaining the status quo, but it seems that their personal interests get the better of their conscience (if they have one at all).
We need now to be strong and stand against the Nation-State and its tired claims as purveyors of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. Think on these things.
· If we are held in the sub-human Projects, where is the Liberty?
· If we are divided between classes, where is the Equality?
· If we are told we are inferior citizens, indeed, a burden on the State, where is the Fraternity?
Liberty, Equality and Fraternity only for some, is hardly the Universal appeal to citizens of the original Social Project.
Republicanism is simply another form of slavery and is the politics of brutalism. We need to wake up and stop being slaves to these systems!
We will not be silent!
Monarchism is the most obvious form of slavery for a people to live under. There is nothing comforting about being a slave, save for knowing your purpose – to fulfil your owners’ commands – and having a place to sleep – which in reality is your cell.
And so,
We will not be silent!
We are damned by these systems – and the Republic, after centuries of Enlightenment is the only alternative that they could come up with.
We will not be silent!
Either option, whether dressed in a Red or a Blue sheep’s clothing, are Statist and therefore in truth not alternative worldviews, but simply bureaucratic differences; it is from this form of slavery that we shall have our freedom from, so that we may develop our freedom to.
From the grip of all that is evil; Free Us! Until we create the Common Wealth of all people.
We will not be silent! For this is the age, not of the anti-hero, but the sub-hero.