‘Santa Maria del Giglio, Venice’ (C) Geoff Hall, 2004.
Paul the Mystic wrote:
“So, in the Generative Tissue that is the Cosmos...there is neither race, nor social status or sexuality, for you are all one in this Cosmos.”
So, we are all one in this Generative Tissue we call consciousness, (or to some, cosmic consciousness) there is neither sacred nor profane race, neither slave nor masters, nor patriarchy or matriarchy; because we all come from the same Generative Tissue that is the Cosmos.
This is what the Cosmos is revealing to us now and not our formative culture of illusionary labels and categories that separate humanity into classes of superiority and commodity; or word-domination systems. No Lords and Masters, serfs and chattel. How liberating to know this is how it is meant to be, because this is how it is meant to be.
Bear this in mind and heart, in temporal and eternal realms, when you sit in silence and meditate on this; when your contemplation leads you to act in this world and see what a difference this makes to everything your life encompasses. Oneness is at the heart of everything.
Let us think back to the Story of Origins: when the author/s write of our Divine creation as (plural) male and female. Let’s look at this through the lens of the Midrash and suggest a ‘what if’. What if, the Elohim said that they were made (singular) both male and female? That, like Jung has stated, a man has a female ‘anima’ and a woman a male ‘animus’.
Our binary system cannot cope with this quantum reality and has occluded a revelation of our origins in this way, but if we view it from a unitive consciousness then we have no problem understanding our soul-make-up, our deepest longings and belongings start here. When we lose the word-domination systems that have held us in a place not true to ourselves, we can begin to feel the freedom for which we have been set free.
Sit in silence and ponder these things. Hold them in your heart and see how liberating it is; it changes your understanding of the world of relationships and the awareness of Oneness in all its glory.