The State as Ultimate REALITY: and the ideology of the inferiority complex.
The lessons of this so-called Ultimate Reality, should cry out to us of its specious, fraudulent claims and mythic pretensions.
If we politicise all the issues of life, we will grow bitter and the rage will build; rage that leads to violence and destruction. This is the final complement to our disastrous allegiances. It’s a wake-up call, an alarm that we turn off and go back to our unconscious ways.
Whether the warning signals are child poverty, environmental contamination, political corruption, business fraud, or educational decay; yes, education, granted, a different form of corruption (through political will), but also the minds of our children should at least awaken our conscience. Please tell me you are alarmed by all this.
Education is politicised, when a pledge of allegiance is the first lesson of the day. [quote Nic]. It creates people for the market and not for life; they are objects formed to appeal to employers, not people with their own aspirations and passions.
But shouldn’t State education have a right to do this, for the economy’s sake?
The Ultimate Reality makes its claim; bears down, presses down on children to conform to its authority. Education is a funnel, or even worse, a sausage-maker for the consumption of our lives for their profit.
Wars. Yes, wars; that is what you get for your pledge of allegiance. For the State not only wants the authority to mould your minds, but also to dispose of your carcasses.
The Military State has to form enemies of the State. It does by the scapegoating of groups or races of people, who they feel inferior to. Having found them and circumscribed them behind barbed-wire fences, or by framing them inside an image which depicts them as rodents; destroying their successful businesses or burning their books and their cultural influence. Because self-loathing is projected onto those who they believe to be the cause of their own hardships. Once identified, they then need to be erased from the social and economic spheres of life and thus begins the cleansing of their nation’s hallowed soil. Wars are born from such things.
The whole, ‘war is to protect our freedom’ and values, or democracy, is a spell cast over unwitting citizens, already put to sleep by the anaesthetic of State Education. But now you know what’s happening, you need to act, you need to resist.
Beware of the process that welcomes you into the world and then requires that before you develop opinions about life, the world and the Universe, that you go to sleep and let the State provide you with life-support for your comatosed state, or in the Comatosed State.
Democracy is a pill, marked by whatever the colour of your political persuasion. Political bi-polar disorder. Left, Right. Red and Blue. Left, Right. Red and Blue. Democracy is a lie that tells you that you have freedom, but controls everything.
Democracy causes war. Poverty exists where more is spent on the Military Industrial Complex than on peace within and without. You only need excessive armaments if your plan is to influence the world by brute force. This after all, is the age of The Beast. The age of diplomacy is dead, it was trampled underfoot by the goose-stepping of Military boots.
The intent of the Nation-State is clear; it tends towards totalisms of control, and conformity of the unthinking kind, is what the State demands and indeed what it has prepared us for.
This is how our world got where it is today and the Corporations took over. People as expendable commodities, with no say, no voice, no purpose other than to regurgitate what is fed to them.
The State as Ultimate Reality has failed us, raped us of dignity (for which we thank them with our undying allegiance). It uses us for its purposes and discards us when we crumble under the pressure of gunfire.
It’s time to wake up. To resist. To form communities of actual human beings; awake, conscious, able to see the deceit and to reject the failures of this Ultimate Reality.
We will educate our children in being human, conscious of how to work with the earth, of humanity and our needs, but also developing the joys of a curious mind that doesn’t react mindlessly to the old claims of the Nation-State. Consciousness that denies we are commodities and that our main aim in life is to be consumed.
We will teach our children awe and wonder; the joy of books, of human relationships and the State will not be a reference point in any of this, save for its service to the people.
“We are born illiterate…but it is more important to realise that we are born in complete ignorance of who we are, and what it is to be human.” Source: Frederick Franck
This then will be the main thrust of our education; to curtail illiteracy and to prepare them for a life in which they know who they are and what it is to be truly human.
This is how we shall be free, not just in our mind, but our hearts also - and it will free us, so that the State’s authority will wane and be no more.
We will be free from the ideology of the Nation-State; whether in the historical terms of Capitalism, Fascism, Communism, or in our current situation, with Corpocracy/Corporatism.
Each revolution has only ever been about the authority of the State and never truthfully about the freedom of the People. If we don’t comply then this ‘benevolent’ State incarcerates, tortures and annihilates those who resist. These are all signs of an illegitimate State.
Why is our support given without a thought or moment’s hesitation?
Now is the time for real transformation, of people and their world. It’s time to wake up, to be alert and cast off their chains from strangling our lives.
This revolution of transformation must begin within each of us, if it is at all to be a true and quiet revolution, or perhaps a quietist revolution, that changes the course of our lives on this beautiful, but besieged planet.
You have been warned. You are no longer ignorant of your state and stake in this system. If you do not resist, then you are complicit, a collaborator in this illegitimate State of being, in the lie that takes our lives.
This then, is the end of this Blue October, but it is the start of our resistance to Statism.
Jack Stanza
Crematorium 1 - Auschwitz, 1946. Free download from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.