Ideologies in principle, are the machinations of the State. They are prisons, that seem to offer the ideologue, the hope of change, whilst hiding the fact that they are after all incarcerated in a 9’ x 6’ cell.
There appears to be no escape, or no perceived need for escape, as some day when all things conspire together, power will be seized. The wrongs will be righted, and their oppressors will be overthrown, the economic condition for all will improve; equality will be realised and a fraternal society will be created.
this will never happen...
Because it has never happened.
Because the means of this great social change is always violence; and violence never brings peace, but always carries with it the seeds of that violence, creating new victims and victors; new oppressors and o-pressed.
And yet, here we are more than a century after the so-called Great Revolution, or the German Economic Recovery and we should be able to see clearly, that it is all based on Militarism. And what is gained by such means, also has to be protected by, the same means.
Because Militarism is based on fear, fear of the other; the fear within the newly erected barriers and barricades of that Nation-State.
“Berlin Wall - Madness” (C) Geoff Hall, 2009
What can we say about fear: “If we live in fear of the future, we will find that we do not live.” said Paul O. Hasard, when we discussed the future plans for our subversive measures.
And fear is the status quo, it is what undergirds it, holds it in place, afeared that change will open the doors to the very things they are protecting their collaborators from, namely freedom. The status quo is maintained by the religion of State and its Church.
If as Camus has stated, “The only way to deal with an unfree world, is to become so absolutely free, that your very existence is an act of rebellion”, then let us work towards this aim.
But, back to the Nation-State. After such coup d’état, the first action is to round up intellectuals, writers and poets, because, yes, even with all its military might, fear reigns, stalks the ideologue’s mind and the collective unconscious.
The pomp and ceremony, of a Military parade; the passive-aggressive nature of the Military mind in such circumstances, is a salve to their unbelief. For not all is well within this Nation-State, as fear stalks the curfewed streets; but when it is broken by those who want to reclaim the streets as a public and not military space, because the promised social benefits have not been delivered -they never are - then it shows its anger and rage at the breaking of its curfew. The need for further reprisals, are justified purely on the grounds of laws which have nothing to do with justice and everything to do with control; suppression and oppression go hand-in-hand.
Left, Right, Left, Right...
swings the pendulum of bureaucratic deceit in making ‘lies sound like truth’ and hot air appearing to be solid dogma.
The momentum of mediocrity inflicts its death-wish upon them, as the air that they breath is sucked out, leaving only the vacuum of conformity. The ideologue cannot escape this prison, for in their mind not only is there not a key for the lock, there is no lock, because there is no door.
The greatest threat to peace and mutuality is the collective unconscious of the Nation-State,
and now...
something evil walks this way...
the Corporate State.
Left, Right, Left, Right...
swings the pendulum of mediocrity.
Jack Stanza