The ‘vision space’ is part of the Quantum Universe (QU) speaking to us, where we are able to access different dimensions of reality; it’s all interconnected and vital to our understanding within the Cosmic Christ.
In this Universe, particles burst into life in unanticipated ways. Our Group of friends is one such expression of life in the QU, which is a slap in the face for those who try to impose order and rationality on this Universe and its micro-expression here on Earth.
The old Newtonian Universe of order and rationality, of cause and effect is being made redundant, by our new understanding of how the Universe is at play.
For this new story, we need a new language; so that we can live in the embrace of Spirit, as the Earth spins around the Cosmos at 66,600 MPH or 107,200 KMH.
Another phenomenon of this Quantum Universe is one of bi-location; that a quantum wave can be in two places at once. Entanglement in this Universe means that atomic particles can share information across vast distances. You might say, across dimensions – the vision space and the grey political reality of Strix and his friends.
In the QU, I, Jack, can be in two places at once and share this information with you now, even when I am also with Shula in the ‘Green Land’.
The political reality that Shula and I were a part of and in which Strix is now embroiled, came about as the powerful and privileged decided that enough wasn’t enough for them, in fact the word enough was banned from their lives. And so, with excess there comes entitlement; to exploit and abuse others.
Statism is not something new to our world. We might see it as the product of Imperialism’s claim as the Ultimate Reality for its existing and future citizens and subjects.
Expansionism creates victims, the victims of the victors who are scapegoats, nonconformists; racially and culturally inferior, intellectually maladroit. It is in the atmosphere of Statism, the air that we breathe, that monsters come out to play and the collaterally damaged are increased by the blood lust of political ideology.
Terror becomes a way of life for the State, to ensure that their fears are not realised. Yes, their fear; for despite all their pomp and ceremony, their grandeur and posing in displays of military might, they are still fearful. Hence the weapons stockpile.
Of what, you might ask? This is the shocker. Of poets and writers, of degenerate artists, of Jews and Christians, gays and gypsies. In case we corrupt society with calls of freedom and – actual – equality. And sometimes their power is so frightening that we can just disappear in an instant.
‘Fogonazos Hiroshima Cataract’ Copyright Control.
This is what the fear of lingering conflict can lead them towards; the annihilation of Other. Dissent is not something that will be tolerated. This is why we believe in change through non-violence. Real change, not just of altering the furniture in the room called ‘democracy’ and allowing different people to sit in them.
And yet this is all many ideologies have to offer, systems of hate, of violence towards those who dare to disagree with their point-of-view, which is pushed as an Ultimate Reality. But who would want to live in a place where hate and violence are the currency of life, or should I say death? What is being offered is hate and that is simply a way of not knowing, especially as we might understand that the epistemological foundation here on Earth is Love.
For love is the way of knowing. In its truest sense hate is the way of unknowing or rather of not knowing the world, for they don’t know they world at all. We cannot know what we hate. It is the law of the Cosmos, it seems, that everything and everywhere Spirit works, is rooted in love as its first cause.
Hate destroys, it is all it knows. How many relationships flourish with hate as its basis? How many relationships flourish with love as its foundation?
“We pour ourselves out into them [the tools of knowing] and assimilate them as parts of our own existence. We accept them existentially by dwelling in them.” Michael Polanyi.
You cannot do this with hate, because everywhere you look there are things and people that revolt you - you can’t embrace them - and you blame them for delaying your journey to some political utopia or other. Their existence cannot be accepted.
Hate is like a black hole in the Cosmos of Reality and it sucks all the energy and matter into it, until nothing is left. Your Universe has been swallowed up in a mass movement of antimatter; Antichrist.
This is the uphill struggle that Strix and his friends face - and I intend to be there with them - as long as I am needed. It is not as simple as saying in dark times we just need to turn on the light, because many of us don’t know where the light is, or that if they wake up, that they too can be the light.
Jack Stanza