Mist & Sun Rays (C) Geoff Hall, 2021.
The Universe is the hiding place of the Divine. Anon.
If it is freedom for which we have been set free, then that liberty begins with consciousness.
What is conscious-ness?
save for the state of being awake,
the ability to see & then act.
To be one with
the snowflake
we share in
its crystalline beauty
and the impermanence
of its lifespan.
It is to be noted
that although it changes
form, to become the snow
of communal drift, formed
by with the Wind,
its life is longer its own
because it connects
with other snow crystals.
I drift,
I form shapes in
the wind-swirls.
I dance like a dervish
in this freezing air.
I need other snow-forms
so that we we cover
the Earth with a blanket
of mercy…
and show that fluids
can be frozen in glorious
feather-flakes, like
angel down.
You can see us coming
on clouds of witnesses,
in the snow-laden
be-fogged sky.
We bring stillness
that entices holy
silence, hush to
hold us, there .
Snow is a mercy,
for Creation’s call by
the Creator, is for
when the One becomes
the many and we
need mercy-time
We drift…