‘Forty Acres Mistery’ (C) Geoff Hall, 2021.
Why look for the dead amongst the living?
‘Marx is dead’ - his grave at Highgate Cemetery, proves it. (C) Geoff Hall, 2017.
We have to make a choice; for we cannot serve two masters.
Paul, the mystic from ancient Tarsus, wrote of this Fulness. It was set therefore, against the concrete reality of the Roman Empire; with its Sons of God (the Emperors), its evangelion (the good news of another Roman Conquest), the Pax Romana (peace through conquest) and its unity through conformity (the subjugation of new territories, other wise known as the creation of Principalities).
All of these things are addressed in a subversive counter-argument, in just one word; Fulness. And for this mystic, Jesus was the ‘Son of God’ (not the Emperor), the good news (evangelion) of freedom from slavery, (the really good news for people who were subjugated under the Roman boot of conquest), the Pax Christi (the peace of Fulness, where all are one and none can claim privilege).
We can see then, a political context to Paul’s teachings, that were confrontational to the given status quo of the Empire. This was not an easy path to tread and it meant that the Followers of the Way had a difficult life to navigate. He set out an alternative reality, a new Cosmology, where the Roman gods were ousted from their meddlesome relationship with the people of the Empire.
Why is the Cosmos important?
“We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.” Carl Sagan
Because it’s all a part of knowing your place in the Universe and by doing so, the Cosmos reciprocates. For Paul, the code word for this Cosmic reality, is Christ.
He had no interest in creating an institutional museum to religion, but a living and breathing corpus Christi, that goes beyond the kindergarten of spirituality evinced in the current day model of Christianity. It is a whole of life, inner experience of the Divine. Lived in a conscious Universe.
How do we know it is a conscious Universe?
“Consciousness is prior to experiences. It is without an object and without a subject…Comprehend what the mystics are saying. Consciousness is prior and unconditioned. It is all there is. There is nothing but the [Divine].” Amit Goswami, The Self-Aware Universe.
Fulness, is therefore a politically-charged statement; not in a partisan sense nor a Faustian selling of our souls, but in terms of One allegiance for the whole of life. Not one for Church life, and another for a political life. We cannot serve two masters and we certainly have no need for an ideology.
Because an ideology is a competing claim for Ultimate Reality. You will see then that we cannot hold competing claims and be peace in the world. We cannot serve two identities and there is only room for one Ultimate Reality.
The Fulness worldview is all you need. The clue is in the naming. Someone whose life is stretched amongst differing allegiances, cannot be truly conscious. Fulness therefore, has an implicit claim to consciousness; that those who know Fulness need no other loyalties and can work through its efficacy for the whole of life and are truly awake.
“We are reflecting mirrors of the image and likeness of the Divine, we are holons and fractals of Fulness.” Anon
We tend to overlook or deny Paul’s mystic spirituality, along with the political context of his claims, which are a slap in the face of Caesar. Today, how do we work in the light of our own political context? Do we resist the mythic claims of the modern Empire, or do we collaborate with them.
Strix was led by mine and Shula’s example; we were not just theorists pointing at what would make for a better world, but we were willing to put our lives on the line against the claims of an absolutist State.
Those, however, who claim to be awake and speak of their beliefs as an ideology for life, clearly do not understand its meaning, but appear to believe that it’s just ‘a way of seeing life’, without knowing that the true Path to consciousness is one on which the ‘I’ must die for the Cosmos within to truly live.
Then it is not the ‘I’ that lives in me, but the Cosmos and we are then an expression of that Fulness.
“You are something the whole universe is doing, in the same way that a wave is something that the whole ocean is doing.” Alan Watts
Jack Stanza